Only A Few Copies Of 3191 Quarterly, Issue No. 9 Remaining ~ Don't Miss It!

29 October 10 • SCB

Have 3191 Quarterly: Autumn, 2010, will travel.

Wouldn’t it be great if I could hand deliver these to you by bike? Sorry, not happening (they’ll arrive by boring old mail—subscribers, they’re on their way!). My porch was just the only well-lit place to take photos when they arrived, and I was excited.

I hope you’ll be excited by our Autumn issue too. It’s full of good stuff—baking, making and exploring. I love that it was created in real fall time. This is stuff we made and saw this autumn, but it’s here to share with you well before the season is done.

These are just a few of the images that didn’t make it into the issue, but you can read all about elbow patches and seeded bread in 3191Q along with MAV’s breathtaking photos of tights at the beach (my favorite of the spreads) and some cute, creative kids that inspired the cover among many other things.

Go on, check it out.