13 July 12 • MAV

None of my mugs match and, well, I guess I like it that way. I notice that I choose certain mugs for coffee in the morning based on my mood (or my desired mood) and I love having that variety built into my life.

Since we are celebrating our little Mug Collection today (check it out right here) I thought I’d share my favorite thrifted mix ‘n match mugs these days …

A heart mug for the guy who has my heart.

Two little birds. This one makes me smile every time!

This is the tiniest little transferware mug. Perfect for strong coffee!

So sad about this one breaking but I still use it. Can’t even remember where I found it but it’s an absolute fave.

I tend to use this on rainy days. These drops are so cheerful.

: : :

Build or enhance your own mug collection by taking home one of our favorite finds. Check out our summer Mug Collection right here. And while you’re in our shop don’t miss the last single copies of 3191 Quarterly, Issue No. 5. We have just priced them at $20 for a limited time. Thank you for looking and for supporting 3191 Miles Apart!