New Equipment in My Kitchen —SCB

This week I thought I’d share some of my favorite new equipment discoveries in the kitchen. Nothing fancy here. Just everyday basics that have been seeing a lot of use.

Cast iron cookware: I am gradually replacing all my cookware with cast iron and enameled cast iron. Properly seasoned, my cast iron performs better than non-stick cookware without the questionable coatings, and I can move it from stovetop to oven seamlessly. I have found all my cast iron ware secondhand, but, even new, it’s a true bargain and will last forever.

Manual coffee grinder: I received a Camano coffee mill as a holiday gift, and I love it. It’s quiet and grinds beautifully and evenly. There’s something about the kinetic action of turning the crank that I have started to look forward to each morning.

Wide mouth stainless steel funnel: Another recent acquisition. I haven’t even canned with it yet, but I love it. I use it to transfer leftover soups to glass jars for storage, transfer bulk dried goods like rice and beans to canisters with no spills and even to ladle hot chocolate from a big pot into mugs for a crowd of kids.

Apple corer and slicer: This is not a new to me kitchen tool, but somehow ours was left in a box in the basement after our recent kitchen remodel and only unearthed again recently. With kids that eat apples nearly every day, all year round, this is a real time saver. Have a slice!

