18 September 09 • MAV

Now honestly, I have no idea why I find myself doing yet another fashion-y post (I truly think of myself as a slob) but I thought it might be fun to show you some of my favorite ways to wear scarves. After all, it’s nearly scarf season and as the summer temperatures wind down and there is a distinct chill in the morning and evening air I always find comfort in transitioning the seasons by wearing light scarves. Of course I have intentions of wearing them in some sort of chic fashion (oh that I could look as charming as this dame or this one) but really I just throw them on and go. Thank goodness for my generous friend Evan (who is quite easy on the eyes!) or you would have had to see me as model once again.

My first thought is the Tie + Drape. This works especially well with a patterned scarf because it gives you a chance to actually show the detail of the design as opposed to knotting it all up around your neck and not seeing the pattern at all. You can tie a knot with the ends and leave a few inches of the edges out and then drape the scarf around your neck like shown. It also looks nice sort of half draped on your back and half draped on your front. Certainly this technique is not for keeping you warm but I like how it spruces up a basic top and acts sort of like a necklace.

The other technique I use with a knot is the One Knot. You take the ends and knot them up very close so there are almost no fabric peeking out after knotted (unless it has fringe which it does here and then I like to leave a bit of fringe out for fun). Then give it one wrap with the knot in the front. You could also have the knot draping down your back if you prefer but I sort of like using the knot as another piece of the design of it all.

Another easy look which I often use works very well with large scarves (or even just large squares of fabric) is the Twisted Wrap. Fold the fabric into a triangle, twist it up long-ways and wrap it around your neck one time. Then jostle it up a bit. I like to have one end sort of hanging down lower than the other and bring the middle section down almost to a point. Cozy, casual and practical. This technique would work really well with one of Stephanie’s handmade scarves.

Then of course there is the Wrap It Up style. This works very well for thin, long scarves. You just put it on starting with one end up close to your neck and wrap and wrap until it’s all around your neck like a turtleneck collar. When I had long hair I even liked wrapped my hair up in it which I think works particularly well if you’re leaving the house with wet hair. In this style you tuck the ends of the scarf in so they are not seen; it keeps things clean and simple.

And last is my all-time favorite — The Bow! Nothing to explain here but I think a bow with a cardigan/tee combo or a mens button-down is really lovely and simple.